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Build-In Modules for generating Random values

We will check on google the modules in python 3

In our terminal, we will import the built-in module called random that is already stored in our computer

To get 5 numbers between 0 and 1

To get 4 numbers between 50 and 60

Now random pick a value from a list

Third party modules

You can get third-party modules as well

We see an error

Go to CMD as Administrator

You eventually need to add the path to system in your computer

Them go to pycharm

But we will do a test in your cmd

and we will copy and paste in notepad

Mission accomplished!

Now to recap

Roll the dice, pick  random value

Create a Function called Dice,  and have a Method called  Roll, and every time it rolls it delivers a tuple (an unchanged value)

Build-In Modules for generating Random values Build-In Modules for generating Random values Reviewed by ohhhvictor on May 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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